Merging Contacts

Please see the following resources to help you merge contacts:

(1) Find the contact that you would like to delete and Reassign Donations to the correct contact.

(2) Ensure that the contact that you will keep has everything updated in their profile. For example, if each contact has a different email, then you may want to save the email address of the contact you would like to delete in the comments of the contact you would like to keep.

(3) Ensure that the contact you want to delete has no further connections. You can tell if this contact has any connections by looking at The Contact Profile and specifically their profile icons. If any of these icons are blue, you will not be able to delete the contact until you remove the connections. We suggest copying any relations to the new contact profile that you would like to keep.

(4) Delete the contact profile that no longer contains any data. The delete button should now be clickable. You can find this button in the bottom-left corner of the contact’s profile. Please note that this button will not be clickable until you perform all the steps above.