Bambora Reporting Overview

For record-keeping purposes, you can download the reports available for viewing in the Portal. 

We only keep reports on our system for a limited time, so please ensure you download them as needed to have long-term access to the information.

Must know:

  • You need to have Full Access to Reporting in order to download any report.
  • The following reports are available for download:
    • Transaction Report (available for 24 months)
    • Chargeback Report (available for 52 months)
    • EBP Batch Report (available for 13 months)
    • Daily Activity Details (available for 50 months)
    • Settlement Summary (available for 50 months)
    • Monthly Invoice (available for 16 months)
    • Interac Online Report (available for 23 months)

How do I download a report?  

  1. Within the Portal go to Reporting/Analysis > the desired report type.
  2. Apply your desired criteria. If you’re viewing Monthly Invoices, click on the monthly invoice you’d like to download. 
  3. Once the report has populated, click ‘Download’ at the bottom of the page.
  4. Select the file type you would like to download. Click ‘Ok’.

Good to know:

  • The file types (.csv, .xls, .txt) available for download varies for each report. 
  • The downloaded version of the Transaction Report shows more information than the report that’s available in the web browser; specifically, it shows the Card Owner name for each transaction.