Membership Reports

Let's talk about retrieving lists for members and memberships.

First, go to reports on the Navigation Bar and then select Membership reports in the custom reports section.  Here you will see 3 options, Individual Member reports, Organization Member reports and Membership reports.

In order to get the list you want from the system, you will need to know the differences between these reports.  The Individual and Organization member reports work in the same way, they retrieve lists of members from your system.  You will not be able to see what type of member they are, just that these people are members in your system. 

If you need more details about these Members' memberships, you will want to use the Membership report. This report will allow you to retrieve information about each individual membership payment that has been made in your system. This means you will be able to see the membership plan and all relevant dates associated. 

In membership reports, if members have renewed their memberships you may see them multiple times in your list depending on your date settings.  Make sure to use features like "remove duplicates" in excel to retrieve your true list of members.

Please watch the video below on creating views in reports.