Managing Memberships

Membership Overview

You can get the link for your membership form by selecting memberships list and looking to the middle of the page.  The long string of characters in the middle is the link for your membership form.  Please see the image below for an example.

If you would like an embedded membership form please reach out to our support team.

Memberships are not a standard Micharity feature.  Using memberships requires the Empower plan or the Memberships Add-on.

Adding and Renewing Members Manually

In this video, we also cover sending out individual membership receipts

Membership Plans

You can customize what people see on the membership form by selecting Memberships on the Navigation Bar and selecting Manage Plans.

Steps to adding a membership plan to your list of membership plans: 

1) Click on the Memberships tab > Select Manage Plans from the drop-down menu. 

2) Click on the Add Membership Plan button as shown in Figure 57. This will lead you to the Add Membership Plan pop-up.

3) Fill in all the required fields and add in the details you want and then click on Add. 

Membership Plans, Continued...

When creating a new membership plan, use the information below to understand what each of the available fields does.

Price Model: The Plan Price field allows you to choose if you want your members to pay a fee for this membership or if they can be allowed to join for free.

 Plan Type: There are two types of plans (Single & Group plans). This indicates how many constituents you can add to 1 membership ID.

Charge Tax: You can choose if you want to tax your members or not by selecting Yes/No from the drop-down list. If you decide you want to charge tax, selecting yes from the drop-down will add an input field that will allow you to add the percentage of tax you want to charge.

Internal Plan: An Internal Plan allows you to create this plan but have it be invisible to your potential members. This can be useful if you want to create membership plans and restrict those who can sign up for this plan.

Payment is Prorated: The Payment is Prorated checkbox allows you to pay for only the months that you were actually a member. This can be useful if an annual membership plan starts from January, for example, but you only joined in March (this way, you only pay for 10 months of this membership instead of all 12).

Renewal Date: The Renewal Date field allows you to set up a membership to always expire on a certain day.  Regardless of when a contact registers for their membership it will expire on the day you enter in this field.  If you leave this field blank then memberships can expire anytime, if a membership has a one year term and someone registers on January 1st, their membership will expire on December 31st of the same year.

Plan Options: Terms indicate how long this membership remains active before your member has to renew it. Choose from a list of preset terms from the drop-down. Choosing a Lifetime term will allow access to this membership forever (or until you make this membership plan unavailable). You can have more than one term option for your potential members to pick from. To do this, just click on the Add Term button next to the Select Terms and Dues Section and enter the term lengths along with their dues. 

Membership Reports