Recurring Donations

Adding a Recurring Donation

For details on how to add a recurring donation, refer to the video below,

To create a recurring donation for non-credit card payments, or any payment not being processed by Micharity, please refer to the articles posted about the pledges tool.

Note: Since the creation of this video we have introduced the ability to schedule a recurring donation. The process is the same as the video above except now there is a field for the start date located to the left of the end date field. Recurring donations that are scheduled to start in the future will have a status of scheduled in the recurring donations list.

Viewing Recurring Donations

When you are looking at your recurring donations you will see that by default you only see "Active" recurring donations. You may want to see your scheduled, cancelled or expired recurring donations. To see all recurring series click on the "Active Only" checkbox to show all recurring donations.

Some notes on Recurring Donations created through your online donation form

  • If the campaign is receiptable without auto-receipts and a donor makes a recurring donation, they get a confirmation email (the campaign's thank-you note) with no receipt for their first donation. Any following transactions for this recurring series will receive nothing. 
  • If the campaign is receiptable with auto-receipts & they make a recurring donation, they get a confirmation email (the campaign's thank-you note) with a tax receipt for their first donation. Any following transactions for this recurring series will receive nothing. 
  • If the campaign is non-taxable & they make a recurring donation, they get a confirmation email (the campaign's thank-you note) with no receipt for their first donation. Any following transactions for this recurring series will receive nothing.

Editing Recurring Donations

For details on how to edit a recurring donation please watch the video below.


When retrieving a report that includes recurring donations there are 2 columns that you will need. They are Recurring and Transaction Type.

Recurring will indicate if the donation is the initial donation in a recurring series with the flag YES or NO, in the case of an initial recurring donation the Transaction Type field will show Online.

If a donation is not the initial donation in a recurring series the Recurring column will show NO and the Transaction Type field will show Recurring.

Cancelling Recurring Donations

Follow these steps to cancel a recurring donation:

(1) From the navigation bar, select the Donations tab and choose the Recurring Donations option from the dropdown. This will bring you to the Recurring Donations grid. 

(2) Search for the name of the contact, then click on the Recurring ID beside their name. Note that if you are unable to find the contact within the grid, click on the "Active Only" checkbox to see if that contact has a cancelled, expired, or errored recurring series.

(3) Click on the Cancel button on the top right-hand side of the page.