The Donations Page

The Donations page has 4 sections: 

1) Add Donations Button 

2) Search & Filter 

3) Donation KPIs 

4) Donations Grid Section 

1: Add Donations Button This is where you can manually add a donation for a constituent.

2: Search & Filter You can see the following fields: 

a) Search bar 

b) Calendar Search Filter 

c) Status filter Section 

3: Donation KPIs The Donation KPIs display the following data to you: 

a) Amount raised this year 

b) Average donation amount this year 

c) Number of donors this year 

d) Amount raised this month

4: Donations Grid You can see the following fields: 

a) Tax Receipt # 

b) Name of Donor – Individual or Organization donor 

c) Campaign 

d) Fund 

e) Channel - online, kiosk, or manual entry 

f) Recurring: Yes/No 

g) Payment Type - Visa, MC, Amex, etc. 

h) Status 

i) Gift Amount 

j) Date/Time the transaction was added 

k) Actions – options to resend tax receipt or print for all donation in addition to options for editing and deleting manual donations