Creating Views


Please watch the video below to learn how to create your own view. Views can be created in the CRM and in Reports.

If you would like a more in-depth description, please look through the images and read the steps below.

Figure 1:

Figure 2:

FIgure 3:

Figure 4:

Steps to creating your views for your custom grids:

1) Click on the Views button from near the top right of your screen as shown in Figure 1. 

2) Select the Create option as shown in Figure 2. This will bring up a pop up that will ask you to enter a name for this new view as shown in Figure 3. Enter a name for this new view keeping in mind that you will not be able to change this name later. 

3) Click Create to set up this new view. This will bring you to a completely empty grid with the Manage Columns pop-up open as shown in Figure 4. 

4) Check the fields you want to include within this report. Keep in mind that the order in which you select your fields affects the order in which they appear in your grid. You can select as many fields as you like because the Contacts grid is instantly responsive. 

5) Click on the "X" in the top right corner to apply your changes.